avec Fatiha Zemmouri, Guénaël Beschi, Antonin Salsmann, Michel Salsmann,
M'barek Bouchichi, Ilies Issiakhem, Xavier Charles, Lee Patterson, Xavier Quérel
et Khalid Zemmouri, Philippe Moreno et Amar Soualia,Thomas Salsmann, Marie-André Salsmann, François Brunet, Edmond et Denise Fabre, Alexandre Pottier, Zhoor Mekouar, Hamid Khabbaj.
For any information about the film or its distribution, please contact LES FILMS D'UNE NUIT D'ÉTÉ - Contact : lesfilmsdunenuitdete@gmail.com
©Kaléo Films
A film by Sophie Delvallée - produced by Sophie Germain - Image and sound : Sophie Delvallée - Editing : Julie Delord, Sophie Delvallée - Music : Xavier Charles, Lee Patterson - Sound editing : Pierre Molin - Sound mix : Carl Goetgheluck - Grading : Gadiel Bendelac
Tv documentary
| 2015 - documentaire | 66 ' | HD
A Kaléo Films production
In coproduction with Lyon Capitale, with the participation of CNC and Procirep-Angoa and the support of Ecole Documentaire of Lussas (primavera Collection).